Sequoia x Sequoia
Spring in LA was welcomed with a trip to Sequoia National Park. I traveled to the south of Sequoia with my home girl Corie.
A lot of the sequoias in that area weren’t at full growth, but as you drive up north on Sherman Pass Road the temperature cools down guiding you to plump sequoias and snowy roads.
We were two unprepared girls and had to turn around where they stopped paving the snow. I was able to get a lot of pictures this road trip, Corie was DD for all of it.
MM 326
My editing process requires some dodging and burning. The Argus C3 has some light leak. But it’s visible due to multiple exposures. A normal picture comes out surprisingly great for a camera that can’t focus and has been around for at least 52 years.
MM 325 Sequoias double exposed with mountains
The midnight blue tone was inspired by MM 325. Multiple exposures of cloudy blue skies, grassy gold mountains and Sequoia’s gave me hints of blue. Most of the images already had blue tones.
Because of multiple exposures, colors and contrast mix. It’s uncontrollable and I’m okay with it. I found it excites me in my work. The scan wasn’t as muted, but lost some of its best properties from multiple exposures. In photoshop I’m able to bring it back, enhance, dodge, burn and color. Am I really living out my 7 year old dream of coloring for a living?
MM 321
MM 329
MM 327
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