Copenhagen > Barcelona > Madrid | September 2018
MM 952 - Louisiana Museum of Modern Art x Nivå Bugt
I have been wanting to go to Denmark for quite some time, Copenhagen to be exact. I love to bike and I’ve heard of the bike lanes and I’ve heard of the bike culture. My friend Corie became a freelancer so her schedule was up for grabs. She kept singing about Spain, I decided to jump on it. I booked a flight to Copenhagen and booked out of Madrid, Spain. Then I told her I booked a trip to Copenhagen and I'm leaving back to LA from Madrid if you’re game. She was game. So was Kristi. We all went to Brooks Institute of Photography together so I knew they would be okay with my slow photo pace. Actually Kristi is embarking on a brand called Lost Annabel inspired by me being a block or two away everywhere we went.
MM 1086
MM 1069
We travled to Copenhagen for 5 days. The first 2 days was raining and then I was able to rent a bike. We rented for 2 days. And I even woke up before 9am to go for a ride by myself as well. I know RIGHT! If you know me, I don’t wake up before 11am… “I am an artist” HAHA. We ate a lot of Kebab in Copenhagen. Its called Kebabistan. Its the best kebab place EVER. It kinda really is cuz I had a lot living in NYC. I would consider myself a pretty good food critic. In college my friend Lauren, she would stare at me eat, she taught me to eat with my mouth closed, but she also noticed every bite I took had to be perfect like if there was meat rice and sauce and veggie each bite has to have a little bit of everything.… back to my trip. We went to a museum Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. There is a glass window panel of maybe 6 windows that is absolutely stunning and a view of the ocean Nivå Bugt that is quite unforgettable. Its so open and it was so serene blue. Light blue but just muted enough to give you the peace you seek. And we just biked. Oh! We saw Tortus shop. He’s a pottery guy that is pretty gorgeous if you don’t know, follow him on instagram.
One place I had to go to was the Grundtvig's Church! It is…… gorgeous. I tried to capture what I could but with the Argus being on a 50mm lens I couldn’t exactly get the whole feel of the church. But I am pretty happy with the many different versions I have on film.
Shot with Iphone 8
MM 994 - Gothic Quarter Barcelona, Spain
Spain. Barcelona and Madrid. Madrid over Barcelona for sure, for me. I think it was just being in Barcelona at midnight and getting into our air bnb in Gothic Quarter just wasn’t….. fun. But Barcelona is very romantic. I was disappointed in the church being sold out and so much construction was going on. I didn’t really take any pics of it. What I found interesting was the window curtains were on the outside rather than the inside. I had ramen in Barcelona lol. Girl needed her fix. And we ate at an amazing restaurant called Cafe Lolea. It was right around the corner from our air bnb and it was the best risotto I have ever had. Truffle. Period. I know ppl always say the best blah blah blah, but guys truffle. Ok. The pastries were also bombb at La Colmena.
MM 1213
Madrid! It was only for 2 days, but it was so pastel gorgeous. Corie our bada$$ rented a motorcycle so Kristi and I spent our day quite easy breezy. I’m not too close with Krisit, but I photographed her A LOT in college, I photographed a lot of pretty people in college. I took some new pics of her with the my iPhone and we spent most of our morning.. I mean like lunch ish at the bicycle cafe. Then we walked around and went to Centro Centro. This is like a government building but it was also like a We Work and Empire State Building?….. For only 3 euros! The view…. well.. here is the view. Yea… I went ham.
Take away from my trip to Denmark and Spain. Three is perfect. Three is buffer. Three is cheaper. Three is better communication and you can leave the other one with the other if you need to step away for the day. Copenhagen, I want to go again in the summer and eat Kebabistan every day. Barcelona, super romantic, but I’m good. Madrid. Must again. Kristi and Corie went down south of Spain after I left and they absolutely loved it, so maybe more country side and a 1 or 2 days pit stop in Madrid. I loved the colors in Madrid.
Thank you for reading. I thank God for my trips and blessing me with finances in all the odd jobs and photoshoots I do on the regular. I want to remind you I am just a messenger, a vessel, given the gift to create to inspire other artists, for other to find peace through the photographs and simply experience the wonderful world he’s created for us and through us. Peace and love. You are a child of God. Tak and adios.
6 images above all from Centro Centro Madrid, Spain